The Personnel Commission is an independent body comprised of three persons appointed for three-year terms. Commissioners must be residents and registered voters of the County of Santa Clara, and in addition, be known adherents to the principles of merit. Each member is appointed by a different method.
Personnel Commission Meetings
ROD ADAMS, PRESIDENT, serves as the joint appointee of both the Board's commissioner and the classified employee's commissioner. Commissioner Adams is retired from the Santa Clara Unified School District and has served in various roles, including Superintendent of Schools, Human Resources Director, principal and teaching positions. Commissioner Adams was originally seated in December 2021.
NICHOLAS R. GERVASE, VICE PRESIDENT, is retired from the Santa Clara Unified School District and serves as the County Superintendent’s and Board of Education's appointee to the Commission. During his 24-year career in public education, Commissioner Gervase served in both teaching and administrative positions including District Superintendent; Associate Superintendent, Personnel/Employee Relations School District; and Assistant to the Superintendent. Commissioner Gervase was originally seated in March 1999.
LIBBY SPECTOR, MEMBER, is a retired Field Representative from the Service Employees' International Union (SEIU), Local 521 and serves as the classified employees' appointee to the Commission. Aside from her Commission responsibilities, Commissioner Spector also serves as an appointed member of the Personnel Board for the County of Santa Clara. Commissioner Spector was originally seated in March 1996.