Whether you are shopping for a school, locating a school district or checking out a district website, this section provides easy-to-use tools and links to assist.
Non-teaching days and holidays schedules are also included
Affordable Childcare - Learn about the Early Childhood Care Subsidy Pilot, which raises the income maximum for qualifying families.
Child Care Resource and Referral Program - The Santa Clara County Office of Education serves as the Child Care Resource and Referral Program (R&R) for Santa Clara County. The function of the R&R is to provide every family and provider with what they need to be successful by implementing the SCCOE’s core values of equity, diversity, inclusion, and partnership. The Resource and Referral Program provides the following: child care resources for families and providers, information and resources for families, and training and technical assistance for providers.
Families should visit our county’s Child Care Portal at
childcarescc.org to find high quality, safe, licensed childcare for all ages.
Kidsdata.org – Kidsdata.org offers data about the health and well-being of children across California. The site offers data for every city, county, and school district in the state.
Parent Engagement – The Santa Clara County Office of Education facilitates and supports districts in the development of equitable parent leadership and voice that meaningfully contributes to district and school governance and the academic growth of all students.
Paying for Senior Care – Seniors and their families can access financial aid programs to help cover the costs associated with long-term senior care, alleviating financial strain and ensuring access to necessary services. Access to supportive resources can contribute to a higher quality of life for seniors by ensuring they receive the necessary care and support to maintain their health, independence, and overall well-being.
Safe Routes to School in Santa Clara County – SCCOE is collaborating with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department to promote the
Safe Routes to School program. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a nationwide program that supports the health and well-being of students by encouraging traffic safety and the use of active transportation. The benefits of SRTS include increased physical activity, improved traffic safety, connection to one’s community and greater student academic achievement. Currently, eight districts in our county are participating in this program.
Safe Schools & Resources for Undocumented Students - The Santa Clara County Office of Education provides what families can do to prepare in case a parent or other family member is detained or deported by immigration agents.
This resource is available in Spanish.
Santa Clara County School Readiness Assessment
School Safety & Guidance Resources - SCCOE provides a list of mental health assistance and emergency event response planning resources.
SCCOE Reports – The Santa Clara County Office of Education periodically conducts and provides reports as a public service.
School District Locator – This service helps website visitors to determine in which school district a street address or land parcel is located.
Shots for School – Information on immunizations that children are required to have in order to attend school.
Whooping cough and
vaccination information – Tips on protecting yourself and your family.
Williams Settlement – Requirements directly related to the individual schools.
Every Student succeeds Act of 2015
- The
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, and represents good news for our nation’s schools. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years, made possible by the efforts of educators, communities, parents, and students across the country.