The Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) has seven members who serve four-year terms and are elected from different trustee areas in the county.
Board member biographies and contact information
Areas represented, by district
Pursuant to the California Education Code, the SCCBOE serves as a decision-making body for countywide charter schools and as the appellate body for charter school petitions denied by local school districts, and for interdistrict transfer attendance requests and student expulsions.
Regular Meetings
Unless otherwise posted, County Board meetings are held at 5:00 p.m., in the San Jose Room of the Santa Clara County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose. Materials for the agenda of a regular meeting may be found at
Closed Meetings
All regular and special meetings of the County Board are open to the public except those that are "closed sessions." Under the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code 54950, these specific closed meetings may be scheduled for such things as student disciplinary actions, pending litigation, and threats of safety.
Contacting the Board
Members of the public are welcome to contact the Board on issues within the Board's jurisdiction. To contact all Board members, send an e-mail to: To reach specific Board members, see the contact information on their member page.
Trustee Area Redistricting
After the release of U.S. Census data every 10 years, school district and county board of education trustee area boundaries are evaluated, and necessary adjustments are made to balance population and to meet other state and federal criteria.
The 2020 Census Data was released on August 12, 2021 and the validated redistricting data was finalized by the California Department of Finance on September 27, 2021. The census data showed substantial changes in the area served by the SCCBOE from 2010 to 2020, including an overall population growth of over 158,710 (8.9%) and a total variance of 13.3% based on 2020 Census. This total variance was out of balance and triggered the need for redistricting.
View map with data (in PDF)
The Santa Clara County Committee on School District Organization (County Committee) held a public hearing and subsequently approved the SCCBOE recommended map at its January 10, 2022 meeting. The redistricting was reflected in the trustee elections of 2022 and will be for 2024.
To find the Board Trustee Area for a particular address please visit the following link:
Area 1: Palo Alto Unified, Los Altos Union, Mountain View Whisman, and Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School Districts, as well as a majority portion of Sunnyvale School District, and corresponding portions of Fremont Union High School District.
Area 2: Cupertino Union, Lakeside Joint Union, Loma Prieta Joint Union, Los Gatos Union, Saratoga Union, and Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School Districts, as well as small portions of Santa Clara Unified, Morgan Hill Unified, Sunnyvale School, and Union School Districts, and corresponding portions of Fremont Union High and Campbell Union High School Districts.
Area 3: Cambrian, Campbell Union, Luther Burbank, Moreland, Union and Campbell Union High School Districts, as well as small portions of San Jose Unified and Santa Clara Unified School Districts.
Area 4: Majority portion of San Jose Unified School District, a portion of Oak Grove School District, as well as a corresponding portion of East Side Union High School District.
Area 5: Majority portion of Santa Clara Unified, Milpitas Unified, Orchard, and Berryessa Union School Districts, as well as a very small portion of Alum Rock Union School District, and corresponding portions of East Side Union High School District.
Area 6: Alum Rock Union, Mt. Pleasant Elementary, and Franklin-McKinley School Districts,as well as a corresponding portion of East Side Union High School District, and a small portion of Evergreen and San Jose Unified School Districts.
Area 7: Morgan Hill Unified, Gilroy Unified, Evergreen School Districts, a portion of Oak Grove School District, and a corresponding portion of East Side Union High School District.